Here's a little something I read online... Thanks, Julie!
For all of you who spend way too much time wondering who “The One” that you’re going to marry is, here are some things I have learned recently:
During Winter Ramp Damon said something kind of as a side comment that really impacted me. (And I’m sure every one who was single in the room picked up on this as well) He said, “If you want to find your spouse just run as hard and as fast as you can after God, and then look over and see who’s running next to you.”That is such a powerful word! Well naturally the single minds start to think, “Hmm…well who is running next to me?…” And as I was pondering this the Holy Spirit interrupted my thoughts and said, “Julie, are you running as hard and as fast as you can?” After I thought about it for a minute my honest response was, “Well…no.” And His response to me was, “Well then don’t look.”
Wow. What a rebuke.
But what a freeing word! In a moment I realized that my only responsibility is to focus on running as hard and as fast as I can after God. To lay aside every weight that hinders. To stop settling for a “normal” walk with God instead of a supernatural one, and to really press into God, growing up into spiritual maturity. Like Mrs. Karen says, “Where you stop is where you stop!”
Being single is a time in your life to treasure. It’s the only time in your life that you have where it’s just you and God - where you don’t have to worry about the responsibilities of a spouse, or kids, etc. It’s a time where you can so easily put all of your attention on Him. And if you’re feeling lonely, just realize that loneliness is nothing more than an invitation to find a deeper security in God. Most people get so busy trying to fill the lonely times with distractions that they miss the Divine “Come up here.”
All of that to say, let’s set ourselves this year to cut out distractions and run as hard and fast as we can - to run in a way as to receive the prize of encountering Him.