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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Express Yourself

Church people love making rules about proper attitude when it comes to worship. What does God really want us to do? Read Joyce Meyer's point-of-view below:

Check out Psalm 47.

The Bible instructs us to dance, to play musical instruments, and to do all kinds of outward things to express worship to the Lord. (Psalm 47:1) WE NEED TO DO THIS; it brings a release in our lives, it honors God, and it aids in defeating the devil.

It is not enough to just say, "Well, God knows how I feel about Him. I do not have to make a big display." That would be no different from saying, "Well, God knows I believe in Him; therefore, there is no real need for me to be baptized." Or to say, "God knows I'm sorry for my sins; therefore, there is no need for me to admit my sins and repent for them." We readily see how foolish this would be, and people from all denominations teach people to have outward expression of their praise and worship. Some teach that quiet reverence is the only proper way to worship. We definitely need to be quiet and reverent before the Lord at times, but we also need to express our emotions in worship. I am convinced that God gave us emotions for more purposes than just being enthusiastic about a new car or a new jewelry. 

It is tragic not to allow people the freedom to express their hearts and their love for God in a balanced way. It is wrong to be so afraid of something getting out of balanced that we cut it off altogether. It is also a bad idea to do things the same way every time because "that is the way we have always done them." We must always be open to growth, which always involve change. Jesus said that He could not pour new wine into old wineskins, meaning some of the people's old ways had to go (Matt. 9:17). They had to "let go" of old things and take hold of the new, fresh things. Knowledge and revelation are progressive; if a thing, such as your worship, is not moving forward in your life, it is at the point of dying.

Be expressive in your praise and worship! God deserves our highest praise. 

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sunshine After the Rain

DELIVER ME FROM MY RAIN CLOUD I Corinthians 4:12-13 “We work hard with our own hands. When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure it; [13] when we are slandered, we answer kindly…” Being pleasant is not difficult when things go your way, but have you learned to shine during rainy weather? Have you died to your flesh enough to bless when you are cursed, to answer kindly when you are slandered or to endure quietly when you are persecuted? You only have control over yourself. If you wait for others to treat you right or for things to go better before you have a good attitude, you are giving up your control to someone else. This is a victim’s approach to life. A victim feels powerless; they hopelessly wait for someone to change before they can find happiness. But, being happy is a choice. You must take control of your feelings and your behavior if you are going to find peace and contentment. In Genesis 37, Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery. Joseph’s trials were just beginning. He suffered through betrayal, false accusation, and neglect, but Joseph did not sit back and feel sorry for himself. He made the best of each situation he faced. He became the “sunshine” in the dreary prisons. He knew how to choose happiness rather than remain a victim. Joseph knew his God, and he trusted God to always lead his steps for good. This ability to overcome brought him recognition, promotion and success in the middle of the bad situations. And, in God’s time, he was promoted out of the pit into the palace. Learn to act rather than react to life. Make choices—purposeful choices that will bless and not curse others. Do not give your power away by allowing others to steal your peace and joy with their bad attitudes. Remember that the other guy is the one with the problem, not you; therefore, choose to keep your good attitude in spite of his words or actions. With God’s help and your commitment to do things His way, you can find sunshine in your life today. DEAR GOD, NO ONE LIKES TO BE FALSELY ACCUSED, SLANDERED OR MISTREATED. ONLY YOU CAN GIVE ME THE STRENGTH TO BE KIND, GENTLE AND GOOD WHEN OTHERS DO ME WRONG. TODAY, I INVITE YOUR SPIRIT TO DOTHAT WORK IN ME. FATHER, TEACH ME HOW TO CHOOSE SUNSHINE INSTEAD OF RAIN.

Fellowship with the Lord

“God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.” (1 Corinthians 1:9) Do you know what God wants you to do more than anything else today? He wants you to fellowship with Him. He wants you to walk with Him and talk with Him. To discuss the things of life with Him. He wants you to draw near to Him and partake of His very nature. So many of us get so caught up in striving to please God in the things we do that we forget our first and highest calling is just to be in fellowship with Him. That’s right. God longs for us just to want to be with Him. Have you ever considered how much it would mean for you to just come to God and say, “Father, I didn’t really come today to get anything. I’ve prayed about my needs already and Your Word says they’re met according to Your riches in glory by Christ Jesus. So I just came to be with You. If You have anything You’d like to tell me, I’m ready to listen…and I want you to know that whatever I see in Your Word, I’ll do it. I’ll put it into effect in my life.” Why don’t you tell that to God today? He’s waiting to have fellowship with you.

The Secret to Success

Joshua 1:8 NLT - Study this Book of the Law. Meditate on it day and night so you may be sure to obey all that is written in it. Only then will you succeed.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Relationship Run

Here's a little something I read online... Thanks, Julie!

For all of you who spend way too much time wondering who “The One” that you’re going to marry is, here are some things I have learned recently:

During Winter Ramp Damon said something kind of as a side comment that really impacted me. (And I’m sure every one who was single in the room picked up on this as well) He said, “If you want to find your spouse just run as hard and as fast as you can after God, and then look over and see who’s running next to you.”That is such a powerful word! Well naturally the single minds start to think, “Hmm…well who is running next to me?…” And as I was pondering this the Holy Spirit interrupted my thoughts and said, “Julie, are you running as hard and as fast as you can?” After I thought about it for a minute my honest response was, “Well…no.” And His response to me was, “Well then don’t look.”

Wow. What a rebuke.

But what a freeing word! In a moment I realized that my only responsibility is to focus on running as hard and as fast as I can after God. To lay aside every weight that hinders. To stop settling for a “normal” walk with God instead of a supernatural one, and to really press into God, growing up into spiritual maturity. Like Mrs. Karen says, “Where you stop is where you stop!”

Being single is a time in your life to treasure. It’s the only time in your life that you have where it’s just you and God - where you don’t have to worry about the responsibilities of a spouse, or kids, etc. It’s a time where you can so easily put all of your attention on Him. And if you’re feeling lonely, just realize that loneliness is nothing more than an invitation to find a deeper security in God. Most people get so busy trying to fill the lonely times with distractions that they miss the Divine “Come up here.”

All of that to say, let’s set ourselves this year to cut out distractions and run as hard and fast as we can - to run in a way as to receive the prize of encountering Him.


Thursday, April 29, 2010

It's All About Love

Love. It was always a love thing. From before time began, it was a love thing. God’s been in love with me since it was Him and only Him. He loved me before He even created the sun, the moon, the stars. So on that day, the darkest day in history, when He went up on that tree, it wasn’t because He had to. He certainly did not have to be persecuted like He was. But for some reason, He did.

Love. It was love that drove Him to ask for forgiveness on behalf of His persecutors. It was love that drove Him to forgive me when I committed the lowest of sins. It was love that drove Him to pick me up on my darkest of days, my loneliest of nights. It was love that drove Him to push me when I didn’t feel like being pushed, because He couldn’t leave me where I was.

It’s His love that sheltered me on the coldest of nights, when Hope felt so far away. And the moments where I could not feel Him? His love was there to reassure me that He was there. When I cursed at Him, lied to Him, told Him I didn’t want Him, His love was there to show me that I would be no where without Him.

And then I see all the people living for today. All of the people, places to be, people to see. I see all of them and I wonder how many of them have truly known Love. Not the selfish love of this world. But the Love that is always patient, always kind. The Love that is not easily angered. The Love that keeps no record of wrongs. I wonder how many people have shown them that type of Love. The Love that my Father has shown me. I see them going about on their separate ways. Each one of them with a story to tell. And if I could just show them a little bit of the Love that He’s shown to me.. .

“Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” 1 John 4:8. God’s Love isn’t something you have to look for. God’s love is everywhere. In a child’s laugh, the chills that run down your back during a song, the happy tears you cry with friends, it’s all Him.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13. Plain and simple. If we have Love, we have everything. I don’t know why God chose to love me, but He did. It wasn’t something He had to do. When I think about my life and how undeserving I am of it all and how He still chose to love me, I’m simply amazed. When I’m asleep at night, He comes up with reasons to give me another day. And throughout my day, He’s holding my hand the entire way. Simply out of love.
 Love. That’s all it comes down to in the end. Our relationship with Him. The love of His that we shared with others. How we responded to His love, His tender touch. It’s not about the religion, or anything like that. His love. His love that brings me back to Him each time. His love that compels me to love. That’s what I live for. 

“And then I saw Him there, hanging on a tree, looking at me. This is how I know what love is…”

Reposted from: Taylor's Tumblr Account

Saturday, April 17, 2010


You’ll need three items (Bible, Pen & Journal).  Here is a simple way to journal every day!

S for Scripture
Open your Bible to your reading for the day. Take time reading and allow God to speak to you. When you are done, look for a verse that particularly spoke to you that day, and write it in your journal.

O for Observation
What do you think God is saying to you in this scripture? Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you and reveal Jesus to you.

A for Application
Personalize what you have read, by asking yourself how it applies to your life right now. Perhaps it is instruction, encouragement, a new promise, or corrections for a particular area of your life. Write how this scripture can apply to you today.

P for Prayer
This can be as simple as asking God to help you use this scripture, or it may be a greater insight on what He may be revealing to you. Remember, prayer is a two way conversation, so be sure to listen to what God has to say! Now, write it out.

Friday, April 16, 2010

“People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered. Love them anyway. If you do good, people may accuse you of selfish motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful, you may win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway. People who really want help may attack you if you help them. Help them anyway. Give the world the best you have and you may get hurt. Give the world your best anyway. ” — Mother Teresa

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Re: The Past

It is easy to be negative about past mistakes and unhappiness. But it is much more healing to look at ourselves and our past in the light of experience, acceptance, and growth.
  Our past is a series of lessons that advance us to higher levels of living and loving. The relationships we entered, stayed in, or ended taught us necessary lessons.

Some of us have emerged from the most painful circumstances with strong insights about who we are and what we want. Our mistakes? Necessary. Our frustrations, failures, and sometimes stumbling attempts at growth and progress? Necessary too. Each step of the way, we learned. We went through exactly the experiences we need to, to become who we are today. Each step of the way, we progressed. Is our past a mistake? No. The only mistake we can make is mistaking that for the truth.

Today, God, help me let go of negative thoughts I may be harboring about my past circumstances or relationships. I can accept, with gratitude, all that has brought me to today.

Thoughts for Life 

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

-Alpha Pallarca: Team KGKL and co-founder of Shine Brightly for Christ

Follow the crown not the crowd.
Remember that as God’s chosen people, we are of this world but we are not of this world.
As Christians, we are aliens and strangers in this so called earth. This is not our home. We should not feel comfortable in this place. Our citizenship is in heaven.
We should not be indulging ourselves with all the pleasure that this world has to offer. We should not be lusting over materials things that can’t fully satisfy our heart’s cravings.
Look at the cross. Fix your eyes on heaven.  That is where your heart should be.

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Matthew 6:21

As for me, I am constantly trying to defy the ways and allure of this world. 

“Lord, I chose you over the world. Because You’re all I need.”

An Ideal Woman

She is a woman of God; an embodiment of all that is feminine and beautiful.

She is conscious of her health and well-being as she disciplines herself to be a good steward of the life and body she has been given.

She is very teachable and never stops learning.  She reads—a lot, and enjoys having deep conversations over coffee or tea.  Her letters are still handwritten.

She values each and every moment; watching the sunrise and the sunset; going for long walks; making the most of the rain.

She can appreciate any type of music for what it does for the soul.  She sings in shower, in the car, and anywhere else not caring who is listening.

She dances the night away and sees the art in all of life.  She would always go to a play or musical before going to the movies.  She would rather play a board/card game than go to the mall.

She is bold and adventurous; a traveler who is experienced and cultured to the world.

She is down to earth; a hard-working hippie who’s is completely on fire; real, genuine, authentic; not fickle, dramatic, or materialistic.

She loves kids and teaches young boys and girls what true womanhood is all about; she will wake up early on a Saturday morning to be with these kids, set an example, and pour into their lives.

She worships with freedom, expression, and passion; completely abandoned to herself and those around her.  She is fully in the presence of the King.

She is a visionary.  Her dreams are high and lofty.  Others are inspired and challenged by her ambitions and aspirations.

She is a nonconformist of this realm who holds strong to her convictions.  Her methods may be unorthodox and unconventional, but it is best that way.

She is driven and burdened to do good, conquer kingdoms, administer justice, obtain promises; to be a light shining in the darkness and a voice of change—a peacemaker.  She will change the world, turning it upside down of which it is not worthy of her.  She is overflowing with the fruit of the Spirit and her passion is infectious.

She has a gentle spirit and a kind heart.  Her beautiful soul illuminates brightly.  All can see her radiance.  Her fragrance is a sweet, pleasing aroma.  Her voice is a soothing lullaby.

She is well-known and well-liked because her spirit is just so attractive.

She is an encourager and supporter; always cautious with her words and speaking in wisdom, patience, humility, and forgiveness.  She is honest with herself and others.  She is not afraid of communication.

She holds to faith, hope, and love.  She is joyful; an optimist who finds her security in Christ, trusting in the good and the bad; the easy and the tough; for richer of poorer; for better or worse; in health and sickness.  She is a whole person—content, healed, redeemed, and complete in Christ.

She is not one to freak out or force control.  She is not anxious or worrisome, but seeks the Lord in all things.  She is brave.  She takes comfort in her Savior and rests easy.

She is absolutely and irrevocably in love with Yahweh.  Her prayers are intimate and the Scripture indwells her heart.

She allows herself to be vulnerable when necessary for the sake of others.  She is available.

I will pursue her, rescue her, woo her, and romance her.  I will hold her, cherish her, protect her, admire her, esteem her, and offer her all my strength and security.  I will be her mighty warrior poet and defend her honor.  I will fight for, live for, and die for her in any way called for.  I will be her hero.  I will be her man.

She will be my best friend, my partner in crime, my teammate, my roommate, my playmate, and my beloved darling.  We would have a righteous jealousy for one another, learning from each other, and sharing all of life and ministry together.  We are to be bonded, united, joined, intertwined, and interwoven together; to become one flesh—inseparable.  We are no longer our own, but belong to the other as one.

But most of all, as Eve was for Adam, she will be my helpmeet—my life-saver.  We will add value to each other’s lives that would not be there before.  As Christ is the center, the totality, the completeness, the all surrounding, and the all encompassing, we are first in each other’s lives.  We make, show, and lead one another to be a better man and woman—husband and wife.  We draw each other closer to God.  I cannot imagine my life without her.

1. Savor Everyday Moments
Pause now and then to smell a rose or watch children at play. Study participants who took time to “savor” ordinary events that they normally hurried through, or to think back on pleasant moments from their day, “showed significant increases in happiness and reductions in depression,” says psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky.

2. Avoid Comparisons
While keeping up with the Joneses is part of American culture, comparing ourselves with others can be damaging to happiness and self-esteem. Instead of comparing ourselves to others, focusing on our own personal achievement leads to greater satisfaction, according to Lyubomirsky.

3. Put Money Low on the List
People who put money high on their priority list are more at risk for depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem, according to researchers Tim Kasser and Richard Ryan. Their findings hold true across nations and cultures. “The more we seek satisfactions in material goods, the less we find them there,” Ryan says. “The satisfaction has a short half-life—it’s very fleeting.” Money-seekers also score lower on tests of vitality and self-actualization.

4. Have Meaningful Goals
“People who strive for something significant, whether it’s learning a new craft or raising moral children, are far happier than those who don’t have strong dreams or aspirations,” say Ed Diener and Robert Biswas-Diener. “As humans, we actually require a sense of meaning to thrive.” Harvard’s resident happiness professor, Tal Ben-Shahar, agrees, “Happiness lies at the intersection between pleasure and meaning. Whether at work or at home, the goal is to engage in activities that are both personally significant and enjoyable.”

5. Take Initiative at Work
How happy you are at work depends in part on how much initiative you take. Researcher Amy Wrzesniewski says that when we express creativity, help others, suggest improvements, or do additional tasks on the job, we make our work more rewarding and feel more in control.

6. Make Friends, Treasure Family
Happier people tend to have good families, friends, and supportive relationships, say Diener and Biswas-Diener. But it’s not enough to be the life of the party if you’re surrounded by shallow acquaintances. “We don’t just need relationships, we need close ones” that involve understanding and caring.

7. Smile Even When You Don’t Feel Like It
It sounds simple, but it works. “Happy people…see possibilities, opportunities, and success. When they think of the future, they are optimistic, and when they review the past, they tend to savor the high points,” say Diener and Biswas-Diener. Even if you weren’t born looking at the glass as half-full, with practice, a positive outlook can become a habit.

8. Say Thank You Like You Mean It
People who keep gratitude journals on a weekly basis are healthier, more optimistic, and more likely to make progress toward achieving personal goals, according to author Robert Emmons. Research by Martin Seligman, founder of positive psychology, revealed that people who write “gratitude letters” to someone who made a difference in their lives score higher on happiness, and lower on depression—and the effect lasts for weeks.

9. Get Out and Exercise
A Duke University study shows that exercise may be just as effective as drugs in treating depression, without all the side effects and expense. Other research shows that in addition to health benefits, regular exercise offers a sense of accomplishment and opportunity for social interaction, releases feel-good endorphins, and boosts self-esteem.

10. Give It Away, Give It Away Now!
Make altruism and giving part of your life, and be purposeful about it. Researcher Stephen Post says helping a neighbor, volunteering, or donating goods and services results in a “helper’s high,” and you get more health benefits than you would from exercise or quitting smoking. Listening to a friend, passing on your skills, celebrating others’ successes, and forgiveness also contribute to happiness, he says. Researcher Elizabeth Dunn found that those who spend money on others reported much greater happiness than those who spend it on themselves.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It is Finished

Before Christ gave up His spirit, He was given sour wine to address His dehydration since He said that He was thirsty. The last taste that Jesus ever had in His mouth was sour.

Many times in our lives, "sour stuff" happens to us. We go through experiences which leave bad after-tastes in our mouths. Broken relationships, rough seasons, family difficulties, work problems, and even death in the family. So many times, we get so caught up in these things thinking that "it is the END". 

When Christ said, "It is finished", it didn't mean it was the end. It didn't mean that He was finished. As we all know, it's the beginning - a beginning of a glorious Christ-filled existence for us.

When tough things happen to us, let's remember that God is still working in our lives. It's not the end for you. Do not give Satan the opportunity to control us -- the control that he desires. Satan wants us to dwell in the momentary sourness which shouldn't be! If we do this, we rob ourselves of the opportunity to encounter Christ and His majesty. We let go of the chance to experience how it's like to have the Christ help us when we are in need, how it is to have Christ alleviate all our burdens completely.
We must learn to rely on Him and not our own short-sighted thinking.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Excerpt from Rob Bell's Sex God

You don’t need a man by your side to validate you as a woman. You already are loved and valued. You’re good enough exactly as you are. Do you believe this? Because it’s true. You have limitless worth and value. If you embrace this truth, it will affect every area of life, expecially your relationship with men. You are worthy dying for. Your worth does not come from your body, your mind, your work, what you produce, what you put out, how much money you make. your worth does not come from whether or not you have a man. Your worth does not come from whether or not men notice you. You have inestimable worth that comes from your creator.
You will continue to be tempted in a thousand different ways not to believe this. The temptation will be to go searching for your worth and validity from places other than your creator. Especially from men. But you don’t have to give yourself away to earn a man’s love. You’re better than that. You’re already loved.
When you give too much of yourself away too quickly, when you show too much skin, you’re not being true to yourself. When you dress to show us everything, then in some sense we have all shared in it, or at least been exposed to it. There is a mystery to you, infinite depth and endless complexity. As the woman says in Song of Songs, “My own vineyard is mine to give”. In the ancient Near East, a vineyard was a euphemism for sexuality. She is saying that she doesn’t give herself to just anyone. She is fully in control of herself, and she is not cheap and she is not easy. Your strength is a beautiful thing. And when you live in it, when you carry yourself with the honor and dignity that are yours, it forces the men around you to relate to you on more than just a flesh level.
You are worth dying for.
If you’re dating someone, what kind of man is he? Does he demonstrate that he’s the kind of man who would die for you? What is his posture toward the world? Does he serve, or is he waiting to be served? Does he believe that he’s owed something, that he’s been shortchanged, that he’s gotten the short end of the stick, that life owes him something? Or is he out to see what he can give? Does he see himself as being here to make the world a better place?
These are the big questions that you need to ask yourself.
Take him to a family reunion. Do some sort of service project with him. See how he interacts with people he doesn’t like.
Does he have liquid agape running through his veins?
when a woman is loved well, she opens up like a flower
What does he expect of you? Does he expect you to sleep with him when he hasn’t committed to you forever? Does he want all of you without his having to give all of him?
Can you tell him anything? Is he safe? Can he be trusted?
Can you open up to him, allowing yourself to be vulnerable, knowing that he will protect, not exploit, that vulnerability? Are you opening up like a flower?

"When everything 

seems to be going against you, 

R E M E M B E R 

that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it."

Friday, March 12, 2010

How God Changes Us

Reference: Acts 9 : 19-31 / Galatians 1: 13 - 24

"Anyone who encounters Jesus Christ will never be THE SAME again." - Philip Yancey

If one's encounter with Christ is genuine, he will persevere and move on to greater heights in his relationship with the Lord, whatever his past. Saul the persecutor became Paul, the preacher; Saul, the murderer transformed into Paul, the missionary. So, how does God change us when He comes into our life?

1) God changes your ability / attitude  as you follow Him [v. 20]
2) God gives  you a new life / power as you follow Him. [vv. 20, 22]
3) God gives you a new promise as you follow Him. [Gal. 1: 16, 23]