Love. It was always a love thing. From before time began, it was a love thing. God’s been in love with me since it was Him and only Him. He loved me before He even created the sun, the moon, the stars. So on that day, the darkest day in history, when He went up on that tree, it wasn’t because He had to. He certainly did not have to be persecuted like He was. But for some reason, He did.
Love. It was love that drove Him to ask for forgiveness on behalf of His persecutors. It was love that drove Him to forgive me when I committed the lowest of sins. It was love that drove Him to pick me up on my darkest of days, my loneliest of nights. It was love that drove Him to push me when I didn’t feel like being pushed, because He couldn’t leave me where I was.
It’s His love that sheltered me on the coldest of nights, when Hope felt so far away. And the moments where I could not feel Him? His love was there to reassure me that He was there. When I cursed at Him, lied to Him, told Him I didn’t want Him, His love was there to show me that I would be no where without Him.
And then I see all the people living for today. All of the people, places to be, people to see. I see all of them and I wonder how many of them have truly known Love. Not the selfish love of this world. But the Love that is always patient, always kind. The Love that is not easily angered. The Love that keeps no record of wrongs. I wonder how many people have shown them that type of Love. The Love that my Father has shown me. I see them going about on their separate ways. Each one of them with a story to tell. And if I could just show them a little bit of the Love that He’s shown to me.. .
“Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” 1 John 4:8. God’s Love isn’t something you have to look for. God’s love is everywhere. In a child’s laugh, the chills that run down your back during a song, the happy tears you cry with friends, it’s all Him.
“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13. Plain and simple. If we have Love, we have everything. I don’t know why God chose to love me, but He did. It wasn’t something He had to do. When I think about my life and how undeserving I am of it all and how He still chose to love me, I’m simply amazed. When I’m asleep at night, He comes up with reasons to give me another day. And throughout my day, He’s holding my hand the entire way. Simply out of love.
Love. That’s all it comes down to in the end. Our relationship with Him. The love of His that we shared with others. How we responded to His love, His tender touch. It’s not about the religion, or anything like that. His love. His love that brings me back to Him each time. His love that compels me to love. That’s what I live for.
“And then I saw Him there, hanging on a tree, looking at me. This is how I know what love is…”
Reposted from: Taylor's Tumblr Account
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