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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

An Ideal Woman

She is a woman of God; an embodiment of all that is feminine and beautiful.

She is conscious of her health and well-being as she disciplines herself to be a good steward of the life and body she has been given.

She is very teachable and never stops learning.  She reads—a lot, and enjoys having deep conversations over coffee or tea.  Her letters are still handwritten.

She values each and every moment; watching the sunrise and the sunset; going for long walks; making the most of the rain.

She can appreciate any type of music for what it does for the soul.  She sings in shower, in the car, and anywhere else not caring who is listening.

She dances the night away and sees the art in all of life.  She would always go to a play or musical before going to the movies.  She would rather play a board/card game than go to the mall.

She is bold and adventurous; a traveler who is experienced and cultured to the world.

She is down to earth; a hard-working hippie who’s is completely on fire; real, genuine, authentic; not fickle, dramatic, or materialistic.

She loves kids and teaches young boys and girls what true womanhood is all about; she will wake up early on a Saturday morning to be with these kids, set an example, and pour into their lives.

She worships with freedom, expression, and passion; completely abandoned to herself and those around her.  She is fully in the presence of the King.

She is a visionary.  Her dreams are high and lofty.  Others are inspired and challenged by her ambitions and aspirations.

She is a nonconformist of this realm who holds strong to her convictions.  Her methods may be unorthodox and unconventional, but it is best that way.

She is driven and burdened to do good, conquer kingdoms, administer justice, obtain promises; to be a light shining in the darkness and a voice of change—a peacemaker.  She will change the world, turning it upside down of which it is not worthy of her.  She is overflowing with the fruit of the Spirit and her passion is infectious.

She has a gentle spirit and a kind heart.  Her beautiful soul illuminates brightly.  All can see her radiance.  Her fragrance is a sweet, pleasing aroma.  Her voice is a soothing lullaby.

She is well-known and well-liked because her spirit is just so attractive.

She is an encourager and supporter; always cautious with her words and speaking in wisdom, patience, humility, and forgiveness.  She is honest with herself and others.  She is not afraid of communication.

She holds to faith, hope, and love.  She is joyful; an optimist who finds her security in Christ, trusting in the good and the bad; the easy and the tough; for richer of poorer; for better or worse; in health and sickness.  She is a whole person—content, healed, redeemed, and complete in Christ.

She is not one to freak out or force control.  She is not anxious or worrisome, but seeks the Lord in all things.  She is brave.  She takes comfort in her Savior and rests easy.

She is absolutely and irrevocably in love with Yahweh.  Her prayers are intimate and the Scripture indwells her heart.

She allows herself to be vulnerable when necessary for the sake of others.  She is available.

I will pursue her, rescue her, woo her, and romance her.  I will hold her, cherish her, protect her, admire her, esteem her, and offer her all my strength and security.  I will be her mighty warrior poet and defend her honor.  I will fight for, live for, and die for her in any way called for.  I will be her hero.  I will be her man.

She will be my best friend, my partner in crime, my teammate, my roommate, my playmate, and my beloved darling.  We would have a righteous jealousy for one another, learning from each other, and sharing all of life and ministry together.  We are to be bonded, united, joined, intertwined, and interwoven together; to become one flesh—inseparable.  We are no longer our own, but belong to the other as one.

But most of all, as Eve was for Adam, she will be my helpmeet—my life-saver.  We will add value to each other’s lives that would not be there before.  As Christ is the center, the totality, the completeness, the all surrounding, and the all encompassing, we are first in each other’s lives.  We make, show, and lead one another to be a better man and woman—husband and wife.  We draw each other closer to God.  I cannot imagine my life without her.

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